I’m a licensed naturopath & unlicensed free thinker.
Join me for fresh ideas that buck the trends and give you the real goods on what it takes to feel great.

Far from being just another fad, mushrooms are the real deal – they’re the most ubiquitous form of life on the planet, after all – and they’re here to stay. Here’s why you should get on board.
Chart a course forward by looking at the people, movements, and ideas that shone brightest in the past year. Then cherry pick your inspiration!
A growing movement is afoot to shift the focus on aging to HEALTHSPAN, rather than simply tracking the number of years we live.
Intuitive eating, digital detox, earthing footwear, and more. Find out how the best wellness trends are shaping our world for the better.
Community is how we survived and thrived as a species for millennia, and it remains the bedrock of what makes life worth living. Connectedness to other human beings isn’t just crucial to mental health; it’s crucial to physical health as well.
If, like me, your 80/ 20 ratio of good living to ahem, very good living has been on a slippery slope, it may be time for an autumn reset. Summer rules are just that. As we approach the end of a season of very good living indeed, my body starts to give me clues (and sometimes sledgehammers) that it’s high time to turn the page.
One of the most positive outcomes of recent months has been the fact that we’ve had time to get off the hamster wheel and re-assess what really matters. If, like me, you’re undertaking a big rethink of well, everything, that reinvention can seem equal parts thrilling and daunting.
We have an innate need to be with others. It’s baked into our very DNA, and throughout human history it has meant survival. As our social limitations turn from weeks to months, this is worth paying attention to.
We’re careful about so much these days - social distancing, hand washing, staying home, staying safe. Yet we don’t tend to be overly careful about the endless stream of information that permeates our current reality.
The times they are a’ changing. And guess what? It’s completely normal to feel anxious about what’s going on. Anxiety is a normal human response to change, to threat, and to crisis. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t feel some sense of unease in our current climate. Try these simple steps to shift your energy from anxiety to serenity. Dare I say, even to possibility….
As COVID-19 is declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, as markets crash, as just about everyone wonders whether to quarantine themselves and their families, let’s all take a moment…. to just breathe.
Our gut flora is a complex combination of our DNA, how we were born, where we were born, lifestyle, the foods we’ve eaten throughout our lives, and the circumstances we’ve eaten them in. If no two of us are alike, why are we all following the same dietary advice?
We human beings are a flawed bunch. There’s no use pretending we’re perfect. The 80/20 rule accepts this fact, embraces it, celebrates it. It’s a simple philosophy: instead of being good 100% of the time, or even shooting for 95% (you know who you are), I find it’s much, much more realistic to move forward under more practical - and let’s face it, more fun - terms.
Chances are you've heard the buzzwords 'alkaline' and 'acidic' bandied about when it comes to nutrition and health. Sounds like a buzz kill, and about as much fun to talk about as algebra. Is it really important for you to know these concepts? The answer is yes: your overall wellness may depend on it.
In the spirit of giving, here are a few tips to keep you in top form throughout this season of celebrating. This cheat sheet will see you through the crazy month that is December, and hopefully keep you from needing to make lemonade from those lemons. Because being the life of the party can sometimes take a little advance planning!
No matter where you’re headed for the holidays, whether by car, train, or plane, these handy tips are tried and true, and will have you arriving in style. Each one is like packing along a tiny little bit of TLC, and doubles as a piece of home when you reach your destination.
Insomnia is so prevalent these days, it’s become rare to meet someone who doesn’t suffer in some way. Sleep deprivation is the zeitgeist of our times. If you’ve had a few bleary days in the past couple of weeks, try these lesser-known strategies to get your forty winks.
These ten strategies will help you weather the elements, and most of all, stay healthy and happy until warmer climes and greener times come our way. Consider it your cheat sheet for getting to April with a spring in your step!
How best to fuel an athlete has become one of the most discussed (and profitable) sectors of the health industry. Many of us dabble in shakes, powders and vitamins that sound like the tagline to an action movie: hyper-burn, fit power, energy max. While some brands can definitely help to give you that added boost, the foundation of a healthy athlete always begins with food.
We’re often told to eat more fish. That it’s a great source of protein, chock full of healthy fats and brain-boosting, heart-protecting Omega 3s. This is absolutely true. On the other hand, we’re also warned to avoid fish high in pollutants, heavy metals such as mercury, and species with declining populations. What to do?
Coconut oil is popping up everywhere, but most people see it as simply an alternative to olive oil. While this is true, it barely scratches the surface of what this miraculous oil can do. It’s time to get on board and try a few of these easy life hacks.
By now, we all know the nutrition basics; eat more veggies and fruit, eat less meat, drink plenty of water. If you’re reading this, chances are this is old news. Let’s skip Nutrition 101 and leap forward to a New Year: Welcome to Nutrition 102.
Holiday eating, Christmas lists, gift exchanges, cocktails here, there and everywhere - as your calendar fills up with festive fun, the next month can be exhilarating and exhausting in equal measure. The difference between staying at the top of your game or becoming a holiday train wreck is all about balance.
It may come as no surprise that labeling, and particularly food labeling, is rife with hidden meaning, sleight of hand, and outright untruths. The bad news is that the current state of affairs may be even worse than you think. The good news is that you can do something about it.
Many of us obsess over what we put into out bodies, but give little or no thought to what goes onto our skin. Cosmetics and beauty lines of every stripe often contain questionable ingredients, including a few that are downright hazardous.
As it happens, in most cases, the wisdom passed down by women through the centuries is (gasp!) true. Until very recently, when it came to run-of-the-mill ills such as the common cold, premenstrual cramps, or aches and pains, women were squarely in charge.
Just as you'd give your home a good spring cleaning, April is the best time to clean out your body. Winter is all about cocooning and shoring up our resources. At the end of this period of hibernation, we tend to have a build-up of ‘sludge’ from all that sitting around. Spring, however, is all about flow. It’s the perfect time to let the natural rhythm of the seasons work in your favour.
Winter is on our doorstep, and with snow right around the corner, it’s time for warming, fortifying, nourishing food. To stay healthy this winter, let’s get back to our roots. Here’s how.
I recently attended an aromatherapy workshop at a friend’s house and it was one of the most (naturally) intoxicating evenings I’ve had in a while. Some of the blends literally made me swoon, while the healing aspects of these oils knocked me off my feet.
This classic twist on roast chicken offers a delicious and festive dish for a smaller crowd. It’s nicely paired with the classic fixings, or can just as easily feature some of our recent side dishes: brussel sprouts, spaghetti squash, or stuffed peppers. For a bonus round, the leftovers will make epic leftover soup.
Heading into this cold weather has me dreaming of stuffed peppers on the island of Naxos, Greece. Since I can’t get there right now, my next best option is to bring it here! It takes a little prep, but makes a nice big batch for several dinners, side dish or makes for a yummy lunch reheated.
These vegetarian nachos qualify as dinner, loaded as they are with protein and good-for-you veg. Better yet, on a scale of 1 to 10, they’re definitely on the easy-peasy side. Don’t be afraid to really load your ingredients as the chips make a great vehicle from plate to mouth.
Bone broth is the ultimate healing liquid. It’s dead easy to make, it’s versatile (use it as broth, gravy, sauce, or even straight up in a mug), AND it’s a time honoured method of wringing every last bit of goodness from meat on the bone. Oh yes - and it’s largely how our ancestors made it through the winter!
Thanksgiving may be a smaller affair this year, but that doesn’t mean it has to be ho-hum! It’s time to make lemonade from lemons. Most of all, let’s continue to give thanks. No matter what 2020 throws at us, we have so much to be grateful for. Bring on that lemonade (with a splash of chilled vodka :)
I had never tried spaghetti squash until about five years ago, but let me tell you, I can’t get enough of this gem! It’s the ultimate un-guilty pleasure, with a pasta-like consistency, sky-high vitamin content, and a delicious flavour to boot.
This quinoa salad is a quintessential rainbow plate, with its wide variety of colourful seasonal vegetables. It’s an excellent vegetarian option that’s equally delicious as a main or side dish. Plus it’s a great excuse to get ye to a farmer’s market! If freshness and flavour are your jam, look no further.
Farmers’ markets are abundant with fresh produce right now. Harvest season is easily my favourite time to cook, but most of all, to eat!!! This beet recipe works equally well as a main or a side dish. The salad dressing in this recipe is my go-to secret weapon for all my salads - so you get two recipes for one!
It’s our lucky day… Caroline has decided to share her famous, guaranteed show-stopper chimichurri recipe. It’s one she’s experimented with on and off for years. And now - perfection. This might just prove to be your new favourite.
While these tasty treats might not be good for you in a technical sense, they’re plenty good for, oh, morale, happiness, treating yourself, your soul - or for making something special for the ‘Dad’ in your life. Father’s Day is around the corner, after all.
Sweets for breakfast are great - on occasion. One of my secret weapons for staying power throughout the day, however, is a savoury meal featuring protein, and if possible, a side of veggies. Some would call that lunch, whereas my family gives me endless grief over the fact that this is, in fact, dinner! Whatever you call it, starting your day in this manner is a game changer for energy levels, weight loss, and wellness.
Do you dream of sushi? Spicy salmon, dynamite rolls, avocado, crisp veg… Dining out at your local may be weeks or months away, but the good news is that most grocery stores stock the necessary ingredients to make excellent sushi yourself - and it’s easier than you think.
Who doesn’t love the comforting gooey goodness of a classic homemade pizza?? It’s the perfect TGIF - or any day - treat.
It’s time to get creative with our cooking, along with everything else! Here’s an easy recipe for cooking black beans (or any beans, for that matter) from scratch. Cooking from scratch has several advantages over the canned variety: it has zero preservatives, it’s economical, and most of all, it tastes WAY better. Try it and be converted! Bonus: add your beans to this vegetarian chili for a power-packed meal.
Super healthy, delicious, and easy to prepare, these fluffy wonders will keep you energized throughout your morning. Better yet, they’re guilt free - unlike the pancakes of old, this version is full of healthy fats and protein. Serve with nut butter, berries or maple syrup for the perfect start to your day!
This lower fat & paleo version of meatballs is an Asian inspired favourite at our house. The tasty ingredients are at once nutritious and satisfyingly sweet, sticky, and savoury. Better yet, it’s quick and easy to throw together for the perfect weeknight meal. It comes together faster than you’ll get takeout, plus it’s healthier to boot.
This version is full of nourishing ingredients that have zero guilt factor. In fact, it’s even GOOD for you (99% guaranteed… especially if you share it with someone you love :) It’s the perfect cuppa to help you warm your soul - as well as your fingers & toes!
This vegan version of a classic Bolognese will stick to your ribs and warm your soul on those crisp winter nights. With ingredients like lentils, walnuts, and cinnamon, you’ll swoon for this mouthwatering update on the Italian classic. Serve with brown rice, kamut, or spelt pasta for added nutritional oomph!
A delicious muffin to enjoy with a cup of coffee in the morning, or as an afternoon snack when you need a quick pick-me-up! Chock full of healing oats, packed with protein, and loaded with pumpkin-y vitamins, this is a perfect food for fall.
It’s soup season again, and Miso is a perfect way to kick it off. Miso is a product of fermentation from a fungus called kōjikin. It’s an age-old accompaniment to Japanese dishes for this very reason: Miso is a living food that helps you digest the rest of your meal. Happy gut = happy life!! Oh, and it just happens to be delicious, as well as healing :)
Spring is on our doorstep, but while the winter chill lingers, you can’t do better than this Indian classic to warm you from the inside out. Mulligatawny is a fragrant, melt-in-your-mouth version of chicken soup. It’s easy to swap for a vegetarian version by replacing the butter or ghee with coconut oil, and the chicken with tofu. The spices are what make Mulligatawny shine.
I try to never skip breakfast. Having a protein-filled wrap makes it that much easier to walk out the door in the morning. This vegetarian version of the breakfast burrito skips the eggs and replaces them with tofu. With the addition of yummy seasoning and a dash of Sriracha spice, you’ll never go back to the old-fashioned egg scramble!
This version of chocolate chip cookies is Gluten Free and High in Protein.. Even better, they’re oh-so chewy and gooey! All the taste of a traditional cookie, none of the guilt! Betcha can’t eat just one…
This easy recipe is packed with protein, carbs and healthy fats. It’s super versatile: it can be made ahead, used as a side dish or main course for dinner, or for an all-star lunch that will carry you though the day with energy to burn. Enjoy!
Kick off grilling season with a dish that’s equally at home in the oven or on the BBQ. This fresh take on Asian Sesame salmon is so mouthwatering you may find it a starring dish in many of your mealtimes this summer!
These muffins are a healthy kickstart to your day - and so delicious, nobody will notice they’re jam-packed with goodness!
I first experienced a version of this recipe in Tulum, Mexico. It was my favourite meal of the holiday: the colours are so vibrant, and the flavour such an explosion of sweet, sour, and spicy. Even better: they’re dead easy to make at home.
This has been one of my go-to favourites since university, when my mother gave me my first cookbook as I was headed out the door. This chili remains a classic: no fuss, no frills, just super simple and delicious. It’s still a crowd pleaser after all these years.
Put a fresh spin on your morning routine with something new this season. These tasty ideas offer incredible flavour AND a hefty nutritional boost. Get ready to go-go with something that is a universe away from that bowl of cereal.
With the steamy heat of summer in full throttle, these light and refreshing takes on popsicles are the ultimate cooling snack. Packed with ingredients such as fresh berries, garden herbs, flower petals, and almond milk, they’re the modern (and much more nutritious) equivalent of the freezie pops of your childhood.
We each have a different version of the past two years, but it’s a fact we all jumped off a cliff into the unknown a very short while ago. We’re still trying to find our footing in this new landscape. No wonder we’re a bit wobbly.
The concept of a lending library is something most of us take for granted. Yet it’s extraordinarily rare for most Mexicans, especially those who live outside of large cities (and for many within cities as well). Enter the Tiny Library with a Big Heart.
While the present time in history may feel like an uphill slog, some of the cosmic goodies I’ve gleaned this past week may help to put it all into perspective.
Today is the Winter Solstice. The winter solstice predates modern religion as a celebration of the tipping point when the dark begins, by tiny increments, to give way to the light.
We’re all aware by now that our technology is both a blessing and a curse. The research shows that we’re on our screens more than ever – and our smart phones are SO smart they know they have us hooked. But what happens when we unplug, even for a little while?
This project has been a dream for many years, and every day brings me closer to sharing it with YOU.
Who wants to talk about wellness all the time? Not me, and I doubt not you! It’s not all about veggies, folks: sometimes, girls just wanna have fun. Check out these happy links to put a skip in your step, inspo in your plans, and creativity on your horizon.
Enter the era of brands that do so much more than offer an awesome product. These folks inspire, provide a unique twist, give back to local communities, and do good for the planet - all while crafting something you actually want to buy.
This year, New Zealand became the first country to phase out gross domestic product (GDP) as its main measure of success. The government, led by Prime Minister - and visionary - Jacinda Ardern, released a budget that aims to maximize well being instead.
When it comes to wellness, there’s plenty of buzz about doing what you love, finding your tribe, mindfulness, and living in the moment. We hear endless facts about diet and nutrition. We compare notes on the merits of crossfit, yoga, pilates, and spinning. What we rarely discuss is a simple walk in the woods.
Despite the endless - and frankly dire - news cycle, the truth is that there is lots of good news out there. It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that modern life is, generally speaking, full of positivity. Check out these highlights that point to happier trends on our beautiful blue planet.
I was recently lucky enough to get away for five days with four friends. We packed up our flip flops and headed due south to a funky little beach town on Mexico’s Gulf Coast for a few days of girl time; no husbands, no kids, no commitments.
Australian nurse Bronnie Ware worked in the palliative wing of her hospital, caring for the terminally ill. Most of her patients had mere weeks to live, and as such her job was mainly one of keeping them comfortable and providing a sympathetic ear.
While walking through the halls of my son’s school this week, I saw a sign that read “Be kind to everyone, including yourself”. Much as I like to think I practice what I preach, this is the one lesson I often forget.
Wellness travel is an exploding industry, and with everyone getting in on the game, the choice has never been so vast. The challenge lies in finding the sweet spot: a destination and community that vibes with your specific goals. If you’ve considered a retreat but your head is spinning with options, these seven destinations are a great place to start.
Guest post by Nick Barbieri of Not a Monk
From Tibetan monasteries to teenage bedrooms, meditation is no longer reserved for the Zen masters of the world. Over the last decade, the practice has swiftly emerged into the fast-paced domain of Western culture, CEOs and hipsters alike. So long as you can sit and breathe, the meditation community will accept you.
What we choose to eat is a universally accepted foundation of well being. However, who shares our meals is an overlooked ingredient in happiness and healthiness. In the North American rush to achieve an ‘ideal’ body weight, communal eating has largely fallen by the wayside.
A friend recently introduced me to an intriguing concept called Wabi Sabi. No, it's not a form of Japanese papier maché (my first thought, I admit). Wabi Sabi is Japanese in origin, but has nothing to do with arts and crafts. It's an ancient philosophy that embraces the perfection in imperfection. In a nutshell, it finds beauty in a time-worn item or a life well-lived. It is through the cracks, as Leonard Cohen so aptly put it, that the light gets in.
The journey to being your best you is not about what you 'should’ be doing. It's about pursuing the things that bring you joy.
Mona Keddy has been a yoga instructor for more than twenty years, and she's the real deal when it comes to practicing yoga with authenticity, humour, and grace. Most recently, she has come off a successful seven year run as co-founder of the cult yogi favourite Shri Yoga in Montreal. As an influencer, entrepreneur, yoga goddess, style icon, and all-around lovely person, Mona was my dream pick to kick off The Acorn's brand new '7 Questions' series.
If the last time you went barefoot was at the beach, think again. Getting around barefoot has historically been the domain of children and granola types. Nowadays, a growing body of scientific evidence is urging us all to kick off our shoes, for benefits ranging from lower blood pressure to heightened immunity.
It’s essential to your well being to remember that we’re hard wired as a species to be social, to work together, to nurture relationships through conversation with friends and family and neighbours. To regain this balance, we need to take a good hard look at our habits and shuffle the deck accordingly.
Despite the news cycle, I’m downright EXCITED about the year to come. There are so many great people, places, events, and movements afoot that we seem to be at a tipping point for unprecedented awesomeness in human history.
September brings with it a frenzy of activity. Don't get me wrong. I love this season; the majestic colours, the blue on blue skies, the fantastic food, cooling temperatures, and new beginnings. It represents a switching of the gears in every sense.
I’ve been spending my summer holidays with my young niece and nephews at a beach house our family owns. It’s been a reminder of what childhood means; the bumped knees, the laughter, the ice cream dropped, the occasional tears, and yes, the diapers. Most of all, these lazy days have brought back the glorious enthusiasm of the very young.
Canada's 150th birthday is this July 1. it seemed an apt time to wear my heart on my sleeve and embark on a very un-Canadian activity: showing off a little nationalistic pride. I do so love this country. Here are just a few reasons why.
On our honeymoon, my husband and I bought a framed poster entitled ‘Life’s Little Instructions’. We were in the fabulous city of New Orleans and the sweet, wise, timeless advice has been hanging on the bathroom wall of our cottage ever since. The author was never named, but it’s full of little zingers that make you go ‘hmmmm’.
When was the last time you pushed yourself to experiment and try something completely new? Something outside the box, something creative, something a tiny bit terrifying? We often forget the creative wonder of childhood and get caught up in adult lives that can be devoid of that magic spark. The doing of something, with your hands, just because.
While September can be invigorating and full of fresh starts, it can also be an exhausting avalanche of e-mails, new schedules, and a feeling that everything on that to-do list needs to get done yesterday. After crawling into bed several nights in a row in a worn out heap this week, I’ve been reflecting on the fact that a) I really should know better, b) I need to go back to the principles of finding balance.
The weather outside remains spectacular, and in these final days of summer, I find my mind wandering to less serious subjects… such as whether I should buy those great new boots for fall (yes!), that crazy last episode of Game of Thrones, and of course, a little light browsing material - or shall we say, eye candy. Before the full force of Real Life hits in September, it’s essential to revel in life’s lighter side.