Travel: fantastic. Getting there: crummy.
In this day and age, security, crowds, lineups and a general lack of humanity can make getting to your destination a decidedly inelegant experience. At best, it’s a bit of a slog to be endured, at worst, all that excitement about where you were going fizzles as the stress of modern travel wears you down to an exhausted heap.
No matter where you’re headed for the holidays, whether by car, train, or plane, these handy tips are tried and true. They’ll give you an edge, boost your morale, and have you arriving in style. Each one is like packing along a tiny little bit of TLC, and doubles as a piece of home when you get there.
Wellness Travel Musts
Large wrap or scarf. It doubles as a blanket or pillow.
Ear plugs or noise cancelling headphones. So easy to pack, and if you need them, you’ll really wish you had.
Travel size vial of your favourite moisturizer. Airplanes are dry, dry, dry.
Reusable water bottle. Drink water religiously while en route.
Lip balm. My absolute favourite is Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm. It has saved my lips from the Sahara to the Andes to the Caribbean.
Three Essential Oils: Peppermint, Lavender, and Lemon. Sprinkle a few drops of each in your hand, blend and rub behind your neck and at your temples. Spa-on-the-spot!
Tea bags of your favourite herbal tea. Such a little item, such a big benefit.
Traveler probiotics. These will keep you healthy. Buy a quality brand from a health food store.
Chia seeds. If regularity is a problem when you travel, these will keep everything moving along.
Wellness Travel Nice-to-Haves
A travel pillow
An eye mask
A journal and a luxurious pen
Healthy snacks; nuts, fresh veggies, or even a nutritious packed lunch
Prep for your journey with an antioxidant fresh green juice as you set out. It helps to boost you for the journey ahead
Happy trails!
Deanna Ritchie