A HUGE thank you if you’ve listened to the audio version of the Wheel of Wellness: Seven Habits of Healthy, Happy People. This was a labour of love, and (yes!) my first foray into audiobook narration. Yikes!! Talk about pushing your comfort zone.
Surprise, surprise… it turns out I absolutely loved the process.
If you’d like a deeper dive into any of the resources, you’ll find them here. And, please, as always, feel free to send me your thoughts and feedback.
Many thanks for your support!
HABIT 1: Community
The Secret to Living Longer may be Your Social Life, Susan Pinker, TED Talk. Life changing.
Blue Zones, Commonalities among the world’s ‘Blue Zones’, or longest lived communities, transcends easy categorization, but note that connection is a major theme…. as are many aspects of our wheel!
Finding Your Tribe, Simon Sinek with Amy Cuddy. Refreshing, life-affirming, entertaining, awesome. A podcast version is also available.
HABIT 2: Food
Food Rules, Michael Pollan. If you’re interested in what to eat, read this book.
Environmental Working Group Guide to The Clean Fifteen and The Dirty Dozen, THE resource for what to buy in the produce aisle. Also available as a handy app.
Monterey Bay Safe Seafood Guide, THE resource for the healthiest fish and seafood choices.
HABIT 3: Lifestyle
The Surprising Truth About Exercise, Daniel Lieberman on Feel Better, Live More podcast with Rangan Chatterjee (the BBC doctor).
Why Walking is the Superpower You Didn’t Know You Had with Professor Shane O’Mara on Feel Better, Live More podcast with Rangan Chatterjee (the BBC doctor).
Why Forest Bathing is Good for Your Health, Greater Good Magazine, Berkeley University. Science-based insights for a more meaningful life.
HABIT 4: Sleep
Why Sleep is the Most Important Pillar of Health with Professor Matthew Walker on Feel Better, Live More podcast with Rangan Chatterjee (the BBC doctor - again! Just a great podcast all around!).
Arianna Huffington on Why a Nap Room is so Important at Work, Architectural Digest. An industry leader offers her thoughts on why naps are actually productive.
5 Sleep Techniques You’ve Never Heard Of, The Acorn Wellness. Lesser-known strategies for catching 40 winks by yours truly :)
HABIT 5: Constitution
Your Diet: One Size Does Not Fit All, The Acorn Wellness. How to customize your diet to your own specific and particular metabolism.
Ayurveda: A Brief Introduction and Guide, The Ayurvedic Institute, by Vasant Lad, one of the world’s foremost authorities on this ancient healing practice. One of the best summaries I’ve ever seen; well worth the read.
Ayurvedic Quiz, The Chopra Institute. An excellent quiz (in addition to that in the audiobook) to determine your ‘dosha’, or consitutional type.
HABIT 6: Mindset
The Molecules of Emotion, Candace Pert. Ahead of her time, Dr. Pert theorized, and then went on to prove, the connection between our thoughts and neurochemistry. A great introduction is her groundbreaking book ‘The Molecules of Emotion’.
How to Stay Calm in a Busy World podcast with Michael Acton-Smith. Founder and CEO of the popular meditation app ‘CALM’, Acton-Smith explains how meditation is his key to success.
Six Science-Backed Ways Kindness is Good for Your Health, Maile Proctor of Quiet Revolution. I love this article.
HABIT 7: Purpose
The Life Purpose Quiz, a short journaling prompt from The Wheel of Wellness to give you clues to your life purpose.
Happiness Lab with Laurie Santos, this excellent podcast series delves into science-backed solutions for what makes us truly happy. It’s not always what you think.
Plan de Vida, a beautifully summed up (and funny) take on a wellness tourist getting tips on life purpose from a centenarian in Costa Rica. Again, the advice may surprise you :)
Wheel of Wellness Quiz
Thank you for reading and listening!
Put one, some, or all of these habits into action for a healthier, happier you.