I’ve been spending my summer holidays with my young niece and nephews at a beach house our family owns. It’s been a reminder of what childhood means; the bumped knees, the laughter, the ice cream dropped, the occasional tears, and yes, the diapers. Most of all, these lazy days have brought back the glorious enthusiasm of the very young.
Read more15 Reasons Why I Love Being Canadian
Canada's 150th birthday is this July 1. it seemed an apt time to wear my heart on my sleeve and embark on a very un-Canadian activity: showing off a little nationalistic pride. I do so love this country. Here are just a few reasons why.
Read moreLife's Little Instructions
On our honeymoon, my husband and I bought a framed poster entitled ‘Life’s Little Instructions’. We were in the fabulous city of New Orleans and the sweet, wise, timeless advice has been hanging on the bathroom wall of our cottage ever since. The author was never named, but it’s full of little zingers that make you go ‘hmmmm’.
Read moreCreative Spark: Getting art back into your life
When was the last time you pushed yourself to experiment and try something completely new? Something outside the box, something creative, something a tiny bit terrifying? We often forget the creative wonder of childhood and get caught up in adult lives that can be devoid of that magic spark. The doing of something, with your hands, just because.
Read moreEye Candy: 5 gorgeous ways to waste your time
The weather outside remains spectacular, and in these final days of summer, I find my mind wandering to less serious subjects… such as whether I should buy those great new boots for fall (yes!), that crazy last episode of Game of Thrones, and of course, a little light browsing material - or shall we say, eye candy. Before the full force of Real Life hits in September, it’s essential to revel in life’s lighter side.
Read moreEarth, Wind, and Fire: Everyday ayurveda and how it works for you
Here’s a secret: knowing yourself – your inherent likes and dislikes, personality, triggers, and limits – is the key to understanding your health. Like a fingerprint, your constitution is unique to you and it's one of the most important pieces of your wellness puzzle.
Read moreThe Mother Lode: a celebration of mothers
Mother’s Day is my favourite holiday of the year. Truly. Unlike other holidays, which can be fraught with spectacular spending or family drama, Mother’s Day is one big love-in. We all have mothers, or are mothers, or know mothers, and each and every one of us knows that mothers rock. Mothers are the unifying foundation of the human condition. They are at the heart of everything.
Read moreAmazing Grace: the secrets to living long and well
Iris Apfel, 94 years young
Aging is a process we are often resigned to as a slippery slope of encroaching aches and pains, wrinkles, and an inevitable ‘slowing down’. But what about those who completely buck this trend and defy all the odds? The outliers, the rebels, the genetically blessed. Those who just keep on trucking and ignore the cultural norms about what it is they are supposed to be doing.
Read moreKicking it Off With Kindness
Kindness may simple, but it isn’t always easy. We all have bad days, run afoul of grinchy people, and are sometimes a little grinchy ourselves. Nobody’s perfect. But we all know the people who embody kindness - they’re usually the same ones who move through their day with positivity and aplomb.
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