Despite the endless - and frankly dire - news cycle, the truth is that there is lots of good news out there. It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that modern life is, generally speaking, full of positivity.
For a start, consider that for the vast majority, access to food, clean water, education, and healthcare is leagues ahead of where it was even fifty years ago. When we look at the big picture, violence on a worldwide scale has fallen dramatically. Despite the headlines, the world is actually more peaceful now than ever before in human history.
Check out a few more highlights that point to happier trends on our beautiful blue planet:
Life Expectancy has Never Been Higher
Modern healthcare and sanitation has led to vast increases in life expectancy across the globe.
“No country in the world presently has a lower life expectancy than the countries with the highest life expectancy in 1800. Life expectancy has increased rapidly since the Enlightenment. Estimates suggest that in a pre-modern world, life expectancy was around 30 years in all regions of the world. Since 1900 the global average of life expectancy has more than doubled and is now approaching 70 years”.
Access to Information has Never Been Greater
We’re in the midst of a cultural renaissance - never before in history has so much information been available to so many. Countries which have historically been left behind, particularly in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East, are quickly catching up.
What About the Environment??
It’s perhaps the issue of our times, and we have a long way to go. Yet the times they are a’changing. Check out some of this month’s headlines:
“Australia Has Cut Its Plastic Bag Use By 80 Percent In Just 3 Months”
“UK Achieves First Coal-Free Week Since Industrial Revolution”
“Electrifying News: Solar and Wind Power has Quintupled in a Decade”
“Unprecedented Worlwide Rise in Organic Farming”
“Thailand Bombs the Country With Tree Seeds”
“Five Endangered Species Making Incredible Comebacks”
Democracy is On the Rise
Since the 1970s, democracy has seen a steady incline. Currently half the countries in the world boast a thriving democracy.
Everyday Acts of Kindness, Charity, and Heroism are Alive and Well
Last, but certainly not least, every day, in every walk of life, good people do great things. We may not always hear about these random acts of kindness, but a growing number of outlets are working hard to spread the good news. They deserve our attention, at least as much as the six o’clock news.
Here are a just a few:
The Good News Network The original good news website, with comprehensive news from around the globe.
Happy Eco News Exactly what it sounds like!
Pay It Forward A global initiative that encourages small but powerful acts of everyday kindness.
Tank’s Good News Tank Sinatra, the social media phenom, takes his good news feed to the next generation.
Random Acts of Kindness A platform for parents and educators to teach kids empathy and kindness - sowing the seeds for future good news!